The Chinese president is directing operations to undermine neighbouring countries while at the same time claiming that 'pursuing hegemony or bullying leads nowhere'.
Part of the group's efforts are centered around the Haqqani Network, a violent Taliban wing blamed for some of the worst atrocities in Afghanistan's war.
Under one initiative, the KP government will purchase the ancestral houses of Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor, Bollywood actors, and convert them into museums.
Troops drove TTP militants out of the area after years of military operations, and now local athletes and sports fans are welcoming the reopening of the stadium
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) promises young Afghans and Pakistanis money, citizenship and purpose to join its militias. In reality, these vulnerable youth get nothing close.
Both Beijing and Moscow lack the network of allies one needs to wield influence, US Defence Secretary Mark Esper said, adding that their lawless behaviour will scare away potential partners.
The assault by gunmen on motorbikes comes amid other recent terrorist incidents in Pakistan.
The adventurer found Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a former militant hotbed, to be a highlight of her trip.
The TTP, which announced the reunification of its various breakaway factions in September, has been trying to demonstrate its presence and re-establish contacts in Karachi.
Beijing has violated the sovereignty of Taiwan and India in recent weeks, sparking worry among China's other neighbours that this might be a new pattern.